Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I love...boy bands.

I peed in a men's bathroom on Sunday.
But more on that later. Right now I'm going to name a few bands: Boyz II Men; 98 Degrees; Fleetwood Mac; New Kids on the Block.
Three of those bands played a show together at the Q in Cleveland on Sunday night. I'll let you guess the combo...okay, stop guessing, the show didn't include Fleetwood Mac.
It was The Package Tour! And though I continued to accidentally say we were going to see Boyz II Men, 98 Degrees, and 'NSYNC (seriously...even yesterday I was telling my co-worker a story about the show and she had to correct me), I was still excited for the chance to see these groups that I never saw when I was younger.
Opening the show was...Boyz II Men! And they can still sing their booties off. A little End of the Road, a dash of Motownphilly - so great. I should add that this moment of seeing Boyz II Men was making up for years ago when they were supposed to be my first concert, but my parents decided I couldn't go because it would keep me out too late on a school night. Granted they definitely are now "Men", but I was finally at their show and I was able to legally drink a beer while there.
Following the Boyz was...98 Degrees! During their set I had several thoughts, which I'll list here:
1) Wow, Nick Lachey and his dimples do NOT age.
2) These guys still make women swoon (myself included).
3) I find it awkward when there's one guy in a boy band who, while the other band members are stripping off their vests and shirts, doesn't even take off his heavy blazer.
4) There are some songs that singing along to is just like riding a bike. No matter how long it's been, you hear the first note and the words come back to you. That was the case for me and 98 Degrees' song "Give Me Just One Night (Una Noche)". The song also brought back memories of how I used to sing: "Give me just one night...and a nacho!" #incorrect
After the heat from 98 Degrees, there was a break before our eardrums and vocal chords were about to be pushed to their limit. It was time for...New Kids on the Block (NKOTB)! (*no lie, I just typed "'NSYNC!"...what is my problem??) Never being to a NKOTB show before, I wasn't sure what to expect. I imagined some side stepping, some hand clapping, maybe some arm waving. Indeed there was all of that, plus even more...


One thing I immediately learned is that Donnie Wahlberg works out and he's not afraid to show some moments I thought I was at a live performance of Magic Mike. And I didn't hate it. In fact, you know how people say "I wouldn't want to run into him in a dark alley" when they're scared by someone? Well instead I'll say "I wouldn't mind running into Donnie in a dark alley". Shortly after I had this thought Donnie ripped off his shirt and threw it into the crowd, which is when two women grabbed it and began pummeling each other in the head to keep it. At that time I decided that I would not want to run into those two women in a dark alley filled with Donnie's sweaty shirts. Still the show continued on. They did a quick medley of popular songs that were not their own...including "Kiss" by Prince (I was in heaven)! Then after more singing, dancing, screaming, and running in and out of the crowd while narrowly escaping womens' grasps, NKOTB ended the show.
Our ears ringing, we left and passed several bars while walking to our car, but we didn't stop for a drink. I mean it was after 11pm, on a work night. My parents would have been so proud. Instead I went home with boyband songs playing in my head.
The End...
...oh wait! If you're still reading you might be in search of the reason I peed in a men's bathroom. Well, it's because the Q was smart. They figured with a crowd of mostly women it was a good idea to increase the women's bathroom situation, which they did by decreasing the men's bathroom situation. So after 98 Degrees when there was a rush for the bathrooms, my friend and I followed a short line into a bathroom labeled "Women". However we all came to a stop when we were greeted by a wall full of urinals. After several doubletakes we realized the bathroom signs had been switched out and for that night boy bands may have ruled the stage, but women ruled the Q!

Okay, now it's really The End (...of the Road).