Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I love...aging.

As I type this, I am one year older than the last time I typed here.

Well, I guess I'm officially one week older...but what I'm trying to say is that I've had a birthday!

Of course, with a birthday comes an increase in age. So yes, I've aged. And I love it.

Some people look at aging as growing another year older. I like to look at it as gaining another year.

It's another year of knowing long-time friends. Like this year when a friend took me out for a birthday dinner and pointed out that we've now known each other for 16 years.

It's another year of learning new things about yourself. Like the year I learned that I liked pickles when I forgot to pick them off my cheeseburger.

It's another year of overcoming your fears. Like the year I sang at my first open mic night.

It's another year of meeting new friends. Like the year I went off to college and met some of my best friends. Or the year I moved back to Cleveland and met some more of my best friends.

It's another year of inside jokes. Great movies. Wonderful songs. Good choices. Bad choices. New beginnings.
It's another year for you to make even better than the year before.

My newest year started off with good friends, sunny skies, a dance party and karaoke.
It was a great start to another year that is full of possibilities...

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