Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I love...pizza.

This week I got an email, but it wasn't just any email.
It was an email about pizza, but it wasn't just any email about pizza.
It was an email letting me know that I had won a gift card to Little Caesars!
You see, over the weekend I stumbled upon a contest on Metromix.com where you had to write about your favorite pizza topping and then every week they would choose a winner. It was as though they were asking me to spell my name. So I entered and several days later I received my pizza email.

If you know me, then you know that receiving that email was an exciting moment, because: I.love.pizza.

The dough. The sauce. The cheese. How can you not love it? It's great fresh & hot or leftover & cold. Dress it up or keep it plain. The options are endless.

It's pretty difficult for me to turn a slice down, which is why several years back I went on an accidental pizza crawl in Cleveland. I believe it was a Saturday during college football season, so some friends and I had ventured out early in the afternoon. Around lunchtime I opted for a slice of pizza from Panini's. Then around dinnertime some friends and I got a pizza at a little shop on West 6th Street. Then around bedtime I had a pizza nightcap at Guy's Pizza on Coventry Road. It was a delicious day (and in my memory it was a "no calories" Saturday).

Now I live in Tremont, where Edison's (a pub with a pizza kitchen that is open late into the night) is just a quick walk from my apartment. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I know it's a delicious thing.

So I am eagerly awaiting my pizza gift card and planning my next pizza purchase. If you're wondering what I listed as my favorite pizza topping: banana peppers! I explained that just when you think pizza can't get any better - BAM - it's banana pepper-tastic.

Is there more that I can say about pizza? Sure, but it's best that I stop now, because all this pizza talk only makes me want to eat this blog post.

1 comment:

  1. Pizza is my fav. i make the best bbq chicken pizza. chicken, red onions, bacon, jack daniels bbq sauce, cheddar/colby cheese, and dont forget the CILANTRO!!!! you should try it sometime..... smoochies
