Sunday, January 29, 2012

I love...-ish.

Hey, blog-friends! Never fear, I'm still here! It hasn't really been that long since my last post - right? It's only been like a weekish...?

See what I did there? I totally "-ish"ed that blog situation. For those who are paying attention, it's actually been about three weeks since my last post (oops!). But by adding the -ish to my initial guess of a week, I am not totally wrong.

The -ish gives you some wiggle room in what you say. And who doesn't like some room in which to wiggle?

There are lots of situations in which -ish can be used. For example:
"I'll pick you up at 6ish." (Showing up at 5:55 won't be early and 6:05 won't be late.)
"Bob is tallish." (Wearing high heels may or may not leave you towering over Bob.)
"Her shirt was blueish." (Her shirt may have been blue, or purple.)

Or I can use some examples from my past weekend:
Friday night I was pretty tired from the week, so after meeting friends for dinner I made my way home and fell asleep early. I then slept in until about 10ish on Saturday morning. (It was actually 11.)
Saturday night I went to a friend's house. She was hosting a girls' night where we had dinner, talked nonstop and drank a bunch of Skinnygirl Margaritas. The margaritas were yummy, but I only had about twoish. (Okay, I pretty much helped polish off a bottle.)

So yes it's been a bit since my last post, but now as my weekend draws to a close I'm back with this post. I hope that you all had great weekends, and in this case I do mean "great" - no -ish about it.

(I'd like to add that -ish not only gives you wiggle room, but it's  just fun to say. Try -ishing up Dr. Seuss: Oneish fish, twoish fish, reddish fish, blueish fish.)

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