Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I love...Valentine's Day.

It's time I tell you all something.
You may not want to hear it.
You may think it's ridiculous.
But I have to be honest.
Here it goes...
I love Valentine's Day!
Yep. I do.

Some people love to hate the day, but I love to love it.

Most of my friends know this fact, all too well. The question is: where did my love for the holiday come from?

Perhaps it started in elementary school after years of decorating those brown paperbags in anticipation of the tiny valentines that classmates would (*hopefully*) fill them with.

Or it could have happened as a result of watching this episode of The Simpsons.

Maybe it began in high school when there was the excitement of whether or not I'd get a carnation from my crush of the year, or my crush of the week.

Then there was college, when I would drive my roomies a bit insane over the day. One year I had three outfit changes throughout the day - from the red outfit I wore to class, to the red outfit I wore around the apartment after class, and finally to the red outfit I wore out to dinner.

After college there was the year I had friends over to my apartment, we ate pizza (yum!), made prank phone calls (to single guys that we knew), and played pin the hose on the fireman. Last year I went out to dinner with friends, handed out heart-shaped slinkies and magnets with images of men wearing nothing but oven mitts.

I guess there's always been something about the day - to me, at least. It's not neccessarily the hearts, or the candy, or the flowers, or the men wearing nothing but oven mitts. But it's the possibility of all of that and more. I've always seen it as a day where anything can happen. You may get an unexpected flower, a cute card, a kind word, a sweet kiss, or...if you're out with me...a heart-shaped slinky.

So now it's Valentine's Day 2012 and who knows what the day will bring. So far my day includes my "love" necklace (like the one in this pic), oversleeping (i'll take that as a valentine from my ex, the snooze button) and a bit of February snow.

If you're still reading this and haven't gotten sick from my pro-Valentine's Day report, then let me wrap it up by wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day of your own!

Come on. It's a holiday, people! Show the day some love and who knows what it will show you back...