Monday, November 19, 2012

I love...mittens.

Recently I bought a pair of mittens. These mittens:

As cute and soft as they appear in this picture, our relationship almost ended as quickly as it began. Let me explain...

The thing that originally pulled my attention their way was the "sale" tag hanging off of them at H&M. But the thing that made me pick them up and buy them was their cute, little, mitteny appearance.

The past few winters I've gone with regular gloves or fingerless gloves, so upon seeing them I thought to myself: "Hmm, it's been awhile since I've had mittens." Then I bought those little mittens and excitedly put them on as soon as I got in the car to drive home. I felt great! Just me and my new mittens.

As I started driving I went to change the radio station. But I couldn't. My fingers were all too close together to hit the right button on the radio. They were trapped. I was having a case of finger-claustrophobia! But I couldn't take the gloves off at that moment. I was driving. I was getting on the highway. I was merging! 10 & 2. 10 & 2!

Luckily it only took a few seconds for me to chill out. A song I liked came on the radio. My fingers were fine. They weren't suffocating, they were just bonding. They were warm and cozy.

I was wearing mittens. And I liked it.

I suggest you go out and buy yourself your own pair of mittens, then the next time we cross paths we can have a mitten high five! But for safety reasons you should probably wait until you get home to put them on and break them in. Maybe wear them while watching this scene from an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

"jfkfmkolkdjsmkl." -typed by my mitten-hands (translation: "The End.")

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