Sunday, January 6, 2013

I love...random short story Sunday (#3).

Today I realized something. It's been almost a YEAR since my last random short story Sunday post.

Unacceptable, right?

So here you go! Take a few minutes this afternoon to read this ol' story I wrote about two bumblebees, cause it's story time on Jenny's blog.

Red & Pink: A Buzz Story
by: jenny chalk

Once upon a flower there were two bumblebees.
One bumblebee was named Red - he liked apples, stop signs and cinnamon bubble gum; he did not like the color pink.
The other bumblebee was named Pink - she liked cotton candy, flamingos and original bubble gum; she did not like the color red.

On one side of town you could often find Red buzzing near stop signs and smiling while blowing bubbles with his cinnamon bubble gum. On the other side of town Pink would be petting plastic flamingos and buying bags of cotton candy, while blowing bubbles with her original bubble gum.

Red and Pink had heard about each other and their opposite color preferences, but had never met until one rainy Thursday night...

Red and Pink were both out with friends at a local karaoke hive. Red had just finished singing his favorite song - 'Red Red Wine' - when Pink buzzed in. He didn't know who she was, but he thought she was beautiful. She got up on stage and sang 'Pink' by Aerosmith; Red couldn't take his eyes off of her. When she buzzed off stage they began talking. They talked all night, forgetting to even exchange names, and suddenly the hive was closing and their friends were ready to leave.

"Come on, Pink!" yelled Pink's friends.
"Come on, Red!" yelled Red's friends.

They looked at each other in shock.

"You're Red?"
"You're Pink?"

And before they could say anything else their friends were dragging them home.

Red couldn't sleep that night. He'd always pictured Pink as a gross, pink-loving bee, but she was beautiful and funny and he liked her alot. But could she like him back if some of his favorite things represented her least favorite color? That was when Red decided to change his color-loving ways and try to embrace everything about the color pink.

That night Pink had the exact same thoughts about Red.

The next day Red called Pink and invited her to lunch. When they met at the restaurant, Pink was wearing a red dress. "What do you think of my dress?" she asked.

Red liked it, but was confused - was this a trick? "Yek, it's gross," he replied.

Then Red presented Pink with a pink flower. Pink started to smile, then remembered her plan. She took the pink flower and threw it on the ground.

They sat there in an awkward silence for awhile; each thinking that the afternoon was not going as planned. But then they began talking and laughing and it felt so comfortable. Red talked about his job as a writer for a local magazine. Pink talked about her job as an antenna stylist. They liked the same kind of movies and enjoyed going to the same hives around town.

For lunch Pink painfully ordered an apple pizza and Red ordered a cotton candy souffle. However, neither of them touched their meals. As lunch ended they talked about different things they could do afterward. Red suggested a tour of the local flamingo farm and Pink suggested a tour of the best stop signs in town.

They buzzed outside as they tried to agree on an activity. Neither would give in to the other's suggestion. As time passed, it started to get awkward again. Pink reached into her purse and pulled out some cinnamon bubble gum. Red grabbed a piece of original bubble gum from his pocket. As they began chewing their bubble gum, Pink couldn't take it and she spit her gum on the ground. "I'm sorry! I can't do this, I've just never been a fan of the color red!" she cried.

Red spit his gum out as well, "I know! I really don't like pink. But I think you're great!"
Pink nodded, "So are you!"
That was when they realized that they didn't need to change who they were for each other. And they didn't need to like or dislike everything that the other bumbleebee liked or disliked.

Pink may not have liked the color red, but she liked Red.
Red may not have liked the color pink, but he liked Pink.
So Red handed Pink the pack of original bubble gum and Pink handed Red the pack of cinnamon bubble gum and they buzzed off into the sunset together, blowing red and pink bubbles the whole way.

The End

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