Sunday, March 24, 2013

I love...random short story Sunday (#4).

Hello, friends! Here we are: another Sunday with another random short story from my random collection of short stories...just like the random short story Sundays that have come before it!
This story actually would have been more fitting a week ago on St. Patrick's Day...but I was downtown most of the day, enjoying the holiday with random beverages. And really, who would have remembered reading it on that day anyway? So instead you get it today. Cheers!
Oscar's St. Patrick's Day
by: jenny chalk
Once upon a time, in a land right under your feet, there was an ant named Oscar.
Oscar was the happiest ant in his town. He always smiled at the other ants he passed on the street and he whistled a happy little tune while he worked in his yard. In fact, all the ants in Oscar's town called him, "Oscar, the happiest ant you'd ever want to meet who smiles and whistles" (the ants had to be careful not to get Oscar confused with "Simon, the sleaziest ant you'd never want to meet who smiles and whistles").
One day (March 17th to be exact) Oscar was walking down the street and smiling at the other ants, when he heard a large group of ants laughing and singing inside a local pub.
"Sounds like a great time in there," Oscar thought to himself. So he walked in.

All the ants in the pub were dancing around, wearing green clothing and green beads. Some ants even had green stickers on their faces and green top hats on their heads. Oscar walked up to the bar, "What's going on?" he asked, "Is it green day?"

"No," the bar-ant replied.
"Is it top hat day?" Oscar continued.
"Is it recycling day?"
"No," the bar-ant replied, "It's Saint Patrick's Day!"
"What is Saint Patrick's Day?" said Oscar with a confused look on his face.
"It's a new thing we're starting this year," explained the bar-ant, "we all celebrate by drinking too many green beverages and wearing too much green stuff and then everyone falls asleep in random places around town and we wake up tomorrow wearing the same clothes we have on today. I read about it on the Anternet."
"Wow," said Oscar, "Sounds harmless, I think I'll give it a try."
And with that Oscar joined in on the celebration. He bought a green beverage, borrowed some green beads from other ants and put half his paycheck into the jukebox, playing Usher's song 'Yeah' as many times as he could. The last thing he remembered was telling an ant he'd never seen before that he was awesome and challenging another ant to who could hold their breath the longest.
The following morning Oscar woke up in a tree. Well, he woke up sometime between falling from the tree to the ground. "Ouch," mumbled Oscar. He stood up, rubbing at his antenna, and looked at the town clock..."NOON?!" he shouted.
Oscar crossed his arms and stumbled back to his house. As he passed other ants on the street they waved and yelled, "Hi, Oscar!" This did not make Oscar happy. He didn't smile, he didn't wave, he just put his hands to his temples and grumbled at the other ants to be quiet.
From that point on March 18th became known as Oscar the Grouch Day.
As soon as Oscar got home he showered, drank some water, took some tylenol, and closed all his blinds before getting ready to go to bed. But before he crawled into his bed he marked down March 17th on his calendar for the following year: "St. Patrick's Day!" And he added a green smiley face.
The End

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I love...straw wrappers.

Today I got a pop...a soda pop...a fountain soda pop, to be more specific. I don't normally drink pop, so this was a special treat. But the pop itself wasn't the only treat, because along with the pop I got a straw for sipping purpose, and along with the straw came a wrapper. So you know what that was time to find out if someone was thinking about me!

That's right, you don't need a fortune teller or a crystal ball to find out if someone is thinking about you. All you need is a straw wrapper.

It's easy. You remove your straw from the wrapper, tie the empty wrapper in a knot, and if the knot breaks then someone is thinking about you (happy face), or if it doesn't break then no one is thinking about you (sad face).

Or, wait, is it if the knot does break then someone is thinking about you or if it doesn't break then someone is thinking about you...?

That's the thing. I've tied a lot of straw wrappers into knots in my life, but I'm not sure what the outcome means. I've never really known. Yet I still tie every straw wrapper I use in a knot. Even the plastic ones, which is silly since they don't really break...they just stretch and twist and then kind of cling to your hands...frankly, it's annoying. But regardless, I still tie them.

I've held up many a garbage can line while making sure to tie my straw wrapper before throwing it away. And in my purse you can often find bits and pieces of straw wrappers that were at one time tied and broken...or not broken.

Is someone thinking about me? Is no one thinking about me? As far as I know, it could be both. I guess you could say people are always *knot* thinking about me (hahahaha...ha).

My point is (yes, there is a point)...order those drinks, use those straws, and tie those wrappers, cause the world is full of straw wrappers just waiting to tell you that someone may or may not be thinking about you.

And on second thought, maybe it wouldn't hurt to get a crystal ball? Then the crystal ball could tell you what it means when the knot in your straw wrapper breaks!