Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I love...dancing.

According to thefreedictionary.com, "dancing" is defined as:
1. To move rhythmically usually to music, using prescribed or improvised steps and gestures.
a. To leap or skip about excitedly.
b. To appear to flash or twinkle: eyes that danced with merriment.

Well, I love to dance...so I guess that means I love appearing to "flash" or "twinkle"? And I can guarantee that my steps are always improvised.

Some people may think that dancing should be kept on a dance floor, at weddings, at clubs, etc. But personally, I think dancing works just about anywhere. If we learned anything from "Footloose" - it's that dancing can't be stopped!

So you may find me dancing at a bar, at the grocery store, in my car, or at my apartment (on my couch). And I'll probably be dancing to songs like this:
Or this:
Or this (yay, Prince!):
Orrr this:
Hope to see you "leaping or skipping about excitedly" sometime soon on the dance floor...or in the frozen food aisle...or on my couch.
Ready, set, DANCE!

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