Thursday, June 30, 2011

I love...not being on fire.

Today my hair dryer tried to kill me.


I plugged it into the bathroom outlet...nothing.
Hit the reset button...nothing.
I tried a different outlet...nothing.
Then I tried yet another outlet...success! The hairdryer turned on. I flipped my hair over and started the drying process...until 10 seconds later when - "sizzle, sizzle, crackle" - my hair dryer stopped running.

Not only did it stop running, but some small orange sparks flew from the dryer, through my hair and toward my wooden floor. As I watched the sparks in slow motion, these thoughts went through my head:
  • I'm not wearing shoes, how will I stomp out a fire?
  • Is my hair on fire?
  • Guess I'm wearing my hair wavy today.
In the end the sparks did nothing; they went out before even hitting the floor (phew!).

I survived, but alas, my hair dryer is about to meet the dumpster.

Better luck next time, hair dryer!

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