Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I love...smiling.

There's an old saying that goes: "Smile, it holds up your eyes!"

Haven't heard it before? Well, now ya have. Curious as to where this saying came from? It was started just over 10 years ago, in a dorm room, by a girl named Jenny Chalk.

To me, smiling is pretty uncontrollable. You wake up, you see a friend, you hear a joke, you see the sunset, you see a puppy, you hear a Prince song...okay, maybe that last one is just me. But still, whenever possible, why not smile instead of frown?

Sure there are moments where smiling is the last thing on your mind, or on your face. And some of those moments last longer than others. But after all is said and done, again I ask - why not smile?

Your smile could be the smile that causes another smile, that causes another smile, that causes yet another smile, and eventually there are a lot of smiles - and one day when you need a smile to get you out of a bad moment then your smile karma will be coming back around.

Still not convinced that smiling is all that great? Try making yourself a list of reasons to smile.
Here are some examples from my list:

My family
My friends
Shel Silverstein
Other people's smiles
Great songs

But if you still can't find even one good reason to smile, then smile for your eyes...cause something has to hold them up on your face.

"Smile, it holds up your eyes!" -Jenny Chalk

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