Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I love...future Jenny.

In life it's important to take the time to think of someone other than yourself. How do your words affect your friends? How do your actions affect your neighbors? And let's not do your words and your actions affect your future self?

Or in my case, how do my words and actions affect future Jenny?

Like last summer when I was choosing a popsicle to enjoy. I found I had one grape popsicle and one orange popsicle left in my freezer. Though I preferred the orange over the grape, I went with the grape. Why? Because I knew that in a few days, future Jenny would be happy to have the orange one.

In the past I have bought clothes and not worn them right away. Then one day months later, as I'm looking for something to wear, I notice the perfect unworn top pushed to the back of my closet with the tags still on it...that's right, I had shopped for future Jenny!

Now that I think about it, thinking about future Jenny may be the perfect diet plan. Sure, I may want that piece of cake today, but future Jenny won't be so happy when her pants don't fit tomorrow. A moment on my lips, a lifetime on future Jenny's hips.

So remember, what you do right now will eventually affect your future self. But don't stress out about it, the last thing your future self wants is to have stress lines all over your face.

p.s.: Hi, future Jenny! Don't forget to buy milk...

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