Thursday, November 3, 2011

I love...puppy chow.

Here I am, alone in my apartment, and just one room away in the dark it waits for me. It's puppy chow and I want to eat it...all of it.

I'm not talking about dog food, I'm talking about that mix of cereal, peanut butter, chocolate and powdered sugar. You might call it by a different name...but whatever you call it, it's delicious!

Over the past couple months I've found several occasions to make this yumminess. Once for a tailgate, once for a party and tonight I made it to take into work tomorrow for an office potluck.

Making it is the easy part (and it gave me a reason to wear my apron!). The difficult part is trying not to eat it all once I'm done.

I've been able to hold off from eating it all night, but it's getting late and before I go to bed I should probably try some just to make sure it's okay. It's a difficult job, but somebody has to do it. After all, my coworkers are counting on me. So just one bite...well, maybe two.

Have a yummy night!

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