Monday, July 4, 2011

I love...long weekends.

As I set my alarm to wake up for work tomorrow, I'm thinking about Friday and how it seems like forever ago. Having an extra day off of work makes the weekend even better and with the holiday there were plenty of activities to fill up the extra time. Here are some of my weekend highlights:

I made my second visit to the newly opened Market Garden Brewery on West 25th Street (which should actually have it's own "I love..." post from me, because I love it there). The place was packed and the beer was delicious. Eventually we made our way down the street to the Garage Bar patio and then visited ABC Tavern for a game of pool to end the night. As far as Ohio City goes, the USA Today article is true.

I went to an all-day cookout in Tremont. We ate some good food, played cornhole, drew pictures with chalk on the sidewalk, gave beer to a wedding party taking pictures in the park across the street and cheered every time a passing car honked in response to the "Honk for the USA" sign in the front yard. The night ended with us getting caught in a thunderstorm - so, wet and tired, I made it home in time to catch the end of a Saturday Night Live rerun.

I went for a run and then quickly negated the exercise by getting Taco Bell with a friend. We ate while watching episodes of Parks & Recreation. It was a funny & delicious afternoon - it was funlicious. That night I had dinner at another friend's house and headed back out in Tremont to celebrate a 30th birthday.

And finally, there was today! I spent the day at a cookout/pool party, which was actually a cookout/"one person got in the pool while the rest of us sat in a circle around the pool" party. Then a few of us went downtown to watch some fireworks from a friend's apartment. Unfortunately, a building blocked most of our view, but the fireworks sounded great.

I hope you all had a safe, happy and looong 4th of July weekend!
Now I'm going to bed. Good night, weekend.

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