Thursday, July 28, 2011

I love...aprons.

I'm not much of a cook. At my old apartment, it was a friend who discovered my oven was broken when she tried to prepare some food before a party.

However, I do enjoy wearing an apron. Especially after my friend Colleen bought me this adorable one with cupcake designs on it for my birthday a few years back (she also happens to be the same friend who discovered my broken oven - wonder if she was trying to tell me something?).

Sometimes I wear it when I'm washing dishes. Or when I'm cutting up vegetables. Or when I'm warming up leftovers in the microwave. Or when I'm making macaroni and cheese. Or when I'm dancing around my kitchen trying to decide what to eat.

It makes me feel fancy...and chef-y, which makes me want to try cooking and baking more often.

I wore it the last time my parents came in for an Easter visit. I was baking some of those easy cookies where they're already sliced and ready, you just have to put them on a tray and pop them in the oven. I had already put the cookies in the oven when my parents arrived, so I greeted them in my fancy apron and we caught up a bit. I kept checking on the cookies, but they always seemed like they needed just a few more minutes, so I left them a few more and a few more and then, well, I burned those "easy" cookies. My dad told me not to worry. He said they just tasted like burnt popcorn.

As far as my cooking skills go, hopefully practice will make perfect.
But until then, if I'm going to burn things, at least I'm doing it in a fancy apron.

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