Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I love...early morning car-aoke.

Here is a scene from "Jenny Chalk: July 12, 2011":

It's not even 8:30 in the morning yet, I'm sitting in traffic, not moving, though the clock seems to be moving twice as fast as the rest of the world. I'm remembering that wonderful time from two hours earlier when I was laying in bed, still sleeping. Then I flip the radio channel and hear this:

...and suddenly I'm wide awake!

Pick on me if you like, but I've been an Aerosmith fan for a long time and though Steven Tyler is on his own with this song I'm still a fan of that voice.

So there I am, fresh off the highway, windows down, waiting for the car in front of me to realize the light is green, but it doesn't matter because I'm holding an imaginary microphone, shaking my hair and singing at the top of my lungs!

Yes, this morning I was lovin' me some karaoke in the car (or some car-aoke)!

Hopefully the guy sitting in the car next to me was loving it, too.

(Note: I would have posted this about twenty minutes earlier, but I couldn't stop re-playing this song.)

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