Thursday, July 14, 2011

I love...J/K.

When people started saying J/K (instead of "just kidding") a while back, I would say it as an "I can't believe people are saying this instead of just using the actual words"-type of joke. However, once I started, I couldn't stop.

Since then I've been J/K-ing all over the place. At parties, at work, at restaurants (one waiter was very confused on what my real order was by the end of our conversation). During my last birthday party I managed to J/K my sisters through the many stages of "J/K":
Stage 1: That's funny
Stage 2: Now it's annoying
Stage 3: Now it's funny how annoying that is

Maybe it's time for me to move on past all the J/K-ing? Maybe it's time I get serious? No more jokes, no more abbreviations...

...J/K, J/K!

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